amateur geek, professional secretary

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Word on the Street

This weekend I headed out to the Word on the Street event held at Queen's Park. I've been meaning to go for a couple of years now, but always missed it or wasn't in the city at the right time. Convinced a couple of friends to come with me, figured it would be a jolly old time.

It was raining.

I was a little drunk.

Aside from these two hindrances, I think it would have been fun if I'd had more money. There were a decent amount of bookstores represented who had discounts, so I put myself in hock to grab up a couple of things and buy my mom her birthday present.

But damn, it was crowded. The crowds really put me off for some reason. You'd think I'd be happy at the amount of people doing the whole literacy thing, but the bulk of the tables were either selling crap or so surrounded by people that the interesting displays were obscured. Not even sure they were interesting, just gathered the best crowd.

The newspapers, radio and television stations were out doing their best to promote to the kids. Really, only a couple of things captured my attention.

The crazy lady warning us that "the waters were coming." Reminiscent of Tank Girl; I liked it. Too bad she was actually crazy and spouting off further pronouncements about sin and Jesus.

The Black Bastard table. Found out that L. has a "collector's edition" t-shirt. As collectors as it gets with a reader base of ten. But the guy who wrote and drew it was all done up in black-sploitation style.

Ice cream truck. Banana split. Tasty.

We ended up admitting defeat to the rain and hauling ass to the TTC to head home for wine and cheese and Arrested Development. Further drunkeness.

(Notes on alcohol abuse: I eat more [good], no hangover thus far [okay], I am an idiot [not so okay.])

I'm still not sure what is going on with L. and the whole relationship, but I am not concerned anymore. Last night was spent doing groceries and cuddling, with minor overtones of clinging to what we have for dear life.

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