amateur geek, professional secretary

Friday, September 15, 2006

On the side of the street

Cool things can be found on almost any given day in a city like this.

Last weekend I was house- and cat-sitting for my boss. She lives on a residential street just off a couple of main roads. There must have been a memo sent out that I missed reading

"ATTN: Homeowners and Renters

This weekend will be the last nice weekend the city will receive before I drop a load of snow or just start the winds up again. Sell your shit while you can.

-The Weather."

As such, there were two yard sales on the tiny little boulevards provided by the city for just this purpose.

2 SCSI harddrives (with power cables)
2 small white shelves

I have since acquired a PCI SCSI controller and the rest of the cables that I need. This cost slightly more, but I've always wanted to play with a RAID setup. Probably just pull the RAID 0, which isn't really RAID at all, since I'm pretty sure the drives are different sizes.

Later, when I was riding my bike home from work, I found this (mega bloks mr. paino.) L. likes to make sculptures with found, deconstructed, and busted stuff. It still works, so we're trying to figure out a way to make the keys play something besides notes. The lid and blocks that go inside are missing, so there are further considerations as to what to fill it with.

[Distracted. Watching someone make a 21-point turn in the parking lot.]

That's it for today. Back to invoicing and setting up accounting programs.

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