amateur geek, professional secretary

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Teh intarwebs, vol. 1

A recent collection of my wanderings on teh intarwebs. To be a regular [...] installment.

Catfish Hotel on YouTube
-I had been searching for this for years. Literally. It used to be easily found on Studio Tanuki's website (which I am not providing a link for, it now scares the batshit outta me. Yes, I am full of batshit.) but at some point they took it down. Now through the wonders of YouTube...etc. Watch it all the way, dammit. It's one of those jokes.

Kingdom of Loathing
-This is the game that if you already knew about it, then you needed to be reminded; if you didn't, then you need to be told. I am a level 4 Starch Savant, Pastamancer. Just started yesterday and holy shits.

Talking to Herself in Cubeland
-I don't know what's going to happen to this. I have it from a reliable source that the main character has been axed. Historical readings in honour of the passing of one who could truly annoy, and entertain us with her annoyance so long as we weren't actually there. Moment of silence to pay homage to the brave pilgrims who recorded her mutterings and never stabbed her in the back of the neck with a dull butterknife.

That's it for this week, as a week now ends at 10am on Saturday.

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