amateur geek, professional secretary

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Vegetarian Food Fest

While working at the coffee shop, there was one incredibly sweet man who came in everyday for a green tea and breakfast bagel with avocado and swiss on flax. Tomatoes and no butter. Hold the bacon. I got to know him pretty well over the months and when I left the coffee shop I made sure he had my email address.

As he is a photographer and I am cute, he did email me. We had an amazing photo session during which I proved that I am not a model and don't know what I am doing in front of a camera and that he is an amazing photographer that can make even my clumsiness look beautiful. During that session he mentioned a shoe project he was hoping to do, and that he would contact me when it was getting closer.

I received an email last week inviting me to the Vegetarian Food Festival where he would be manning a tent. It would be a good opportunity for us to talk shoes, he said.

There was a bit of a snag going; L. came by and we fought some more instead of going to the Veg Fest as had been planned. Worry not! After bruising my hand on the wall, ice cooled heads and reduced swelling so we are good again and were ready to eat broccoli.

Eventually N. made it by, and off we were to the Harbourfront Centre.

My prime goal was find the photographer. Once that was finished, I could feast and fest as I pleased. Unfortunately, I am an idiot and this took longer than it should have. He was at the first tent I looked in, except I didn't realize it until I had finished looking through every other tent and gave up. Fortunately, he was serving tasty food that had lured me before I realized he was serving it. Even more fortunately, he gave it to me free.

FREE! The single most beautiful word in the English language!

Commence eating, talking about shoes, and plan making. He had to get back to his tent, and I had to search the rest of the festival.

There were vegan shoes, vegetarian pet food, and damn tasty barbequed corn.

Then the sorta-cute red-headed girl who looked at me nice and kept near even though we never spoke. I wanted to talk to her, but I am still shy with girls.

I may have come closer to death than I know; I got all excited when I saw a pin with a bunny on it that one of my roomates would like. The terrible thing was that the sight of it immediately launched me into the story about how I've been trying to eat her bunny for months. It's cornfed!

Ah, yes, it's a vegetarian festival. No eating bunnies. So I bought the "cruelty-free" pin with the bunny on it and took my leave.

I will now take my leave with one final anecdote. There was a girl doing a correspondence course through Athabasca University asking people to fill out questionairres about vegetarianism. One of the questions was "If you are an omnivore, what are your reasons, if any, for not becoming a vegetarian?"

And my answer?


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