amateur geek, professional secretary

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Cue the x-men theme

I always complain when a storm is coming that I'm getting a "pressure headache." I've always gotten them, like a fist wrapped around my frontal lobe and beating my cerebellum with it. My mom contributed significantly to the belief the weather was to blame. She would ask me in the mornings if it was going to rain, what time, etc.

I am coming to understand that my mom is a bit of a flake. But I did manage to develop a certain degree of accuracy, which may have only encouraged her.

I woke up this morning to an old friend on my couch. I hadn't seen the bastard in ages; in fact, I came close to kicking him when I thought he was L. Shrugged, person on the couch, if it's L he can go fuck himself, and went pee. Came back down, checked my email and Holy Shit! It's Bastard!

Apparently everyone explained away my absence for the night as a storm-related migraine, rather than the actual reason (bawling after a not-fight with L.) He shrugged and accepted it.

Perhaps I should milk this weather-thing that everyone has associated me with. Get out of work, school, weddings, social functions, etc. Or maybe I could harness it and come with the thunder and rain lighting upon my enemies.

At any rate, L had better at least call today, or I'll be back to the crying over not-fighting. God, I'm a pussy.

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